The BYP Gardeners plan, plant, and maintain three BYP-run garden sites: the Youth Garden (corner of 9th and Braddock), the Puhala Garden (behind the former "Hotel Puhala on Braddock Avenue), and the Flower Farm (Washington Avenue between 6th and 7th). Additionally, BYP Gardeners partner with Grow Pittsburgh's Braddock Farms, assisting in growing operations at the farm and helping to sell produce to local consumers at the Saturday Farm Stand.
The Gardening Team also explores issues related to the food system, food access, and food justice to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be part of a group of urban, organic growers. The team also learns how to cook with the food produced at the garden sites, through a series of food literacy workshops.
Each summer, BYP youth are part of a team that plans and executes the annual Youth Garden Summit. Youth growers come together to share their experiences working on farms and gardens in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
The Gardening Team also explores issues related to the food system, food access, and food justice to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be part of a group of urban, organic growers. The team also learns how to cook with the food produced at the garden sites, through a series of food literacy workshops.
Each summer, BYP youth are part of a team that plans and executes the annual Youth Garden Summit. Youth growers come together to share their experiences working on farms and gardens in the Greater Pittsburgh area.